Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Burning our past

I don't know why I get jealous, but the plain and simple fact is that I do. I'm sick of being jealous over something so stupid, and feeling so left out but out of nothing. I don't want to feel sad all the time and keep dweling on this so... it's time to move on and let go. The end.

In other news last night my bestest friend and I had a fire. Not just any old fire but a fire to burn the past. I was cleaning out my room yesterday and found piles of old high school and college work as well as some stuff from an ex so I decided to have a fire. I got on the phone and called up Coyles and told her the news. She collected up all her stuff from the ex's and came over. We went in the back yard and got everything all set up and then lit the flame. We then told stories about our past life and what the things had meant to us as we threw them in the fire and watched them burn. It was really fun. Although about an hour into in my dad came out and was like what the heck is that smell.. man we had been out there so long we didn't realize how bad it had gotten.... Im suprised we did not faint. The problem was that we had no wood just a variety of interesting objects that I won't even mention on here becuase its well funny then kinda things that went into the fire but needless to say the toxic fumes were really bad!! Haha. So we put out our fire then made samores on the stove but nonetheless it was still a really really fun night.

Why is it that people who could have been the absolute best of friends and told eachother everything, were so close, eventually loose that friendship. It is something that has been bothering me lately. I guess cold hard fact is that people change and go in different directions with their lives. There are lots of people I wish I was still friends with, we talk every now and then but its not the same as it use to be. Others I rarely talk to anymore, they are just too busy or we always miss eachother, some moved away and its just too hard to stay in touch and some were just too lazy to do anything about it and let our friendships fall through our fingers. Its kinda sad to think about. And it is so hard to lose friends and amek them. Speaking of friends I heard a quote today that I really liked "Never make an enemy when you can just as easily make a friend". Anyways I better go find something productive to do :)

1 comment :

me said...

I know exactly what you're talking about. I feel like I've lost a good portion of my friends too. It's not that they're not around. I can talk to them or write them, but when I do they have emotionally changed. The person I used to know evaporated from their body. It's awful and no matter how hard you try to hold onto a friendship that was once great, it doesn't matter. The friend has changed and there's nothing left to hold onto. It's stinky. I'm glad I still have you as a friend though being in different states can be crazy sometimes.